Falcon 180B – Latest Sensation in the World of LLMs

Falcon has always been in the news for its superior performance in the open LLM landscape. Since their release of the 7B and 40B models back in May 2023, Falcon has been making headlines. Falcon is a product of the Technology Innovation Institute in the United Arab Emirates.

Developed byhttps://www.tii.ae
Model typeCausal decoder-only
Language(s) (NLP)English, German, Spanish, French (and limited capabilities in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, Swedish)
LicenseFalcon-180B TII License and Acceptable Use Policy.
Model Description

They also claim that it performs on par with PaLM 2 Large from Google and ranks just behind OpenAI’s GPT-4. I was curious to see how it actually works, so I ran some tests on Hugging Face Space, where they made Falcon 180B available.

They have just released Falcon 180B, which is a super-powerful LLM with a whopping 180 billion parameters. The model has been trained on 3.5 trillion tokens. According to their website, Falcon 180B excels in tasks like reasoning, coding, proficiency, and knowledge tests. They also claim that it outperforms its competitor, LLaMA 2, from Meta.

How AI Works and What All It Can Do? Explain this to a 6th grade kid

Falcon 180B:
Sure, I’d be happy to explain AI to you!

Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is a type of computer program that can learn and improve on its own. The basic idea behind AI is to create machines that can think and act like humans.

One way that AI works is by using something called machine learning. This means that the computer program is fed lots of data and it uses that data to figure out patterns and make predictions. For example, if you were trying to teach an AI program how to recognize pictures of dogs, you would give it lots of pictures of dogs so it could learn what they look like. Over time, the AI program would get better and better at recognizing dogs in new pictures.

AI can do all sorts of things! Some examples include:

  • Speech recognition: AI programs can understand human speech and turn it into text or commands.
  • Image recognition: AI programs can analyze pictures and videos and identify objects and people.
  • Game playing: AI programs can play games like chess or Go and even beat human champions.
  • Self-driving cars: AI is being used to create cars that can drive themselves without needing a human driver.
  • Language translation: AI programs can translate between different

Well, that was a pretty good response! Let’s try with a little twisted question.

What’s the connection between math, matter and mind?

Falcon 180B:
I don’t have personal views or beliefs, but i can tell you that mathematics is often considered as a tool to understand and describe the physical world. matter, on the other hand, refers to anything that has mass and occupies space. so, mathematics can be used to study and analyze matter through various mathematical models and theories.

when it comes to the mind, mathematics plays a crucial role in developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. it helps individuals understand and manipulate abstract concepts, which can be applied to various fields such as science, engineering, finance, and many more. additionally, the human brain is capable of performing mathematical calculations and operations, suggesting a deep connection between math and the human mind.

Oh! Wow! Falcon is thinking!

I see that what they are claiming is absolutely true. I asked the same questions to GPT-4 and got a little better responses. We will be performing more tests and see if we can use it for our upcoming Generative AI product.

Find more experiments and information in the below videos.

You can also interact with Falcon 180B on this Hugging Face space.

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